Monday, November 13, 2006 6:25 AM
Caving in Saudi
Hello John,
Congratulations on your work concerning caving in Saudi Arabia.
You will probably not remember me but I contacted you back around ‘95-96.
I was just looking for someone to share my interest in caving as you told me you
getting back to Mexico. I am still an active caver but less frequent.
I got back to Saudi (Ryadh) and I would be very interested and appreciate it if
you could introduce me
to your contacts here in Saudi to join and support there caving activities.
Thanking you in advance for your help.
My best regards,
Mr. Christ De Jonckere
Al Abdullatif Industrial Investment Co - Saudi Carpet
Factory: +966 1 265 8888 ext 175
Mobile: 050 265 3030
Hello Christ!
I have passed your request on to cavers in Riyadh and I hope they will contact
you. I hope to be in Saudi Arabia in 2007 and
look forward to seeing you!
John Pint