By John Pint
members of an organization dedicated to protecting the Primavera Forest
led me up a long, long staircase towards the top of a high hill at the
northern edge of the beautiful community of Santa Anita, a residential
area south of Guadalajara. Upon reaching
an altitude of 1750 meters (5,740 feet), we came to a lookout point
with an incredible view of the Tlajomulco area framed by shadowy
mountain ranges in the distance. From here we hiked into a part of the
Primavera Forest I had never known existed: rolling hills filled with
oaks, pines and glorious grassy meadows. To me, this little piece of
paradise looked pristine at first glance, but, curiously, almost every
tree I could see had a small round splotch of gray paint on it. “That's
the mark of death,” my companions told me.
I was told that those
spots indicated trees to be cut down—5000 of them, mind you—and that
this healthy 62-hectare forest will soon disappear, paved over with
concrete and asphalt. I was amazed. Here was one of the last thriving
bits of Bosque la Primavera, separated from the main body of the forest
by a distance of only 2.4 kilometers and instead of creating projects
to conserve it and perhaps turn it into a park, recreational area or
even Tapalpa-style cabins in the woods, these “developers” had quite
something else in mind.

John Pint with trees
marked for death (small grey paint spot).
My companions were
members of Salvemos
Unidos el Bosque la Primavera (Together Let's Save the Primavera
Forest), an organization of people from around 85 neighborhoods who
describe themselves as “tired of waiting for something to happen.” If
you read Spanish, you may want to check out their web page at Salvemos
El Bosque.
asked one of them what was in store for the woods all around me: “The
project is called Bosque Alto or Santa Anita Hills,” he told me. “The
designers are Guadalajara's Gómez Vázquez Aldano Architects (GVA). The
developers (investors and sellers) call themselves Tierra y Armonía and
they want to fill most of the land with multi-story apartment buildings
and wherever tall buildings are not possible, there will be small lots,
measuring only 8 by 28 meters, barely enough room for a house and a
parking space.”
My informant went on. “This beautiful forest falls
within the transition zone around the Protected Primavera Forest, which
UNESCO declared a Man and Biosphere Reserve (MAB) in 2006. According to
UNESCO, only low impact development (low density, ecologically sound)
should be permitted in this transition zone, but somehow the developers
have obtained permission for this disastrous program which, ironically,
they call 'eco-living.' There is a strong suspicion that there are
serious irregularities in their permits.”

spectacular view from Bosque Alto.
“On top of that,” he
added, “according to Pedro Alcocer of Anillo Primavera, 35 percent of
greater Guadalajara's well water comes from rain falling on wooded
areas like this one. But, thanks to this housing project, instead of
adding fresh water to the aquifer, this hilltop will soon be
contributing pollutants to it...and close to one thousand families
living here will add at least 2000 new cars to the hordes of vehicles
trying to enter Avenida López Mateos every morning.”
In a chat
under a canopy of tall oak trees, I learned that my informant grew up in
Santa Anita. He says, “As a kid, I explored these hills and I've always
felt it was a real privilege to have a forest in my back yard. I've
seen deer in these trees right around us, and lynxes and foxes and
skunks and raccoons. I would spend hours here just watching a spider,
looking at all the minute details of it. To see all of this disappear
would be a real shame.”
If you
also think it would be a real shame, there is a quick and simple way
you can show support for the people trying to save this woods, even if
you live thousands of miles away from Mexico. Just go online to which will immediately direct you to a special page
on where you can add your name to over 10,000 others in
favor of halting the projected Bosque Alto housing development. If you
don't speak Spanish, just go down to the very bottom of the page and
click on English, which will make it easy for you to understand a
couple of boxes you must fill in. is cleverly set up to
alert local, national and also international organizations about
wide-scale support for worthwhile projects that deserve to succeed. The
Washington Post, by the way, says “ has emerged as one of the
most influential channels for activism in the country.”
schemes to modify, reduce and “citify” Bosque la Primavera keep popping
up all the time and ecologists find it hard to fight back. This time,
the members of Salvemos Unidos el Bosque have made the task easy. I
urge you to spend a minute signing their online petition.