Text ©2017 by
J. Pint

“The Legion of Decency banned it.”
“Must be a good movie!”
From Supermachos number
Bulls yes, Bullfighters no!
The Belly Comes First, one of
Rius’s best sellers, led to the proliferation of health-food stores
everywhere in Mexico, including small towns.

Self-portrait by Rius
Pint interviews the Father of Los Supermachos and Los Agachados |
On July 8,
2017, prize-winning Mexican cartoonist Eduardo del Río died in the town
of Tepoztlán, Morelos. During his life he published around 120 books,
all of them educational, and all featuring a unique style which has
captivated Mexican readers for decades
1990, John Pint interviewed Rius for The Comics Journal. Click here to
read Who's This Rius?