Most of Saudi Arabia's Desert Caves lie a short walk from the
graceful dunes of the Dahna Desert. |
 The multitailed stalactites of The Chandelier at Surprise
Cave. |
 Susy Pint caught in the JAWS of Surprise Cave. |
 Bertrand Masson admires the Frosted Feathers of Dahl Murubbeh:
"Mmm, they remind me of a French dessert." |
 Using "bedu orientation" only, Qurian Al-Hajri of Aramco led us
across 40 kms of featureless desert to Abulhol, The Sphinx. |
 John and Mike ready to jump into Dahl Abulhol in December of
1999. |
 Two visitors told us "We call this hole Abulhol (The Sphinx)
because it's BIG!" |
 Mike Gibson descending into the throat of The Sphinx (Dahl
Abulhol). |
 A steep hill of breakdown lies beneath the dome-like ceiling of
Dahl Abuhol (The Sphinx). |
 With an 8 to 1 advantage pulley system we finally hauled Mike's
ton of gear out of The Sphinx's belly. |
 John Pint and one of the bats at Thousand Wings Cave. |
 Hidden away in UPM Cave's huge Dabbagh Hall: a nest of smooth,
sparkling "cave pearls". |
 Susy Pint keeps a lonely vigil at the multiple entrances to UPM
Cave. |
 Whatever it takes: Lars Bjurstrom and Tim Watson (upside down) try to
extract a rock blocking Dahl Iftakh as Faraj of Shawiah and Doone Watson
look on. |
 Nostalgia time: It's the early 80's and Bruce Davis is about to
make the first descent of Abu Sukhayl (70 meters deep). |
 "Here's how we did it back before the GPS," says Bruce
Davis. |
 More Nostalgia: It's circa 1984 and we see Dave Peters
rapelling into Dahl Abu Hashami back when it still had two
"noseholes." |
 Deep grooves on the lip of Dahl Abu Hashami attest to its many
years of service as an important well. |
 Dave Canning enjoying his last cave trip in Saudi Arabia. Bye
Dave! |