Dragons mouth in Surprise Cave. Photo: L. Bjurstrom
Show Room in Friendly Cave, friendly, because you can
get to these beautiful formations without crawling. Photo: L. Bjurstrom
Said Al-Amoudi rappels into Surprise Cave. Photo: J.
Inviting entrance to WOW! Cave, waiting to be explored.
Photo: J. Pint
Vertical training at Saudi Geological Survey. Photo:
J. Pint
Mahmoud Al Shanti at the Lizard's Lair entrance to
Surprise Cave. Photo: J. Pint
Aramco and SGS geologists in the Chandelier Room. These
peculiar formations with almost transparent tips are the crown jewels of
Surprise Cave. Photo: L. Bjurstrom
One of many formations in Surprise Cave showing
horizontal fractures. Photo: J. Pint
The ceiling of the Jaws Room, Surprise Cave. Photo:
L. Bjurstrom
Dabbagh Hall in UPM Cave. This room is 45x80x17 meters!
Photo: L. Bjurstrom
Arlene Foss in one of the low crawls in Dahl Sultan. Photo:
L. Bjurstrom
Large walking passages are typical of Dahl Sultan. Photo:
L. Bjurstrom
Greg Gregory climbing out of Dahl Abu Jirfan. Photo:
J. Pint
Crystal formation in Surprise Cave. Photo: L.
Gypsum flower in UPM Cave. Photo: L. Bjurstrom
Hollow Bird's Nest formation in Dahl Sultan. Photo:
J. Pint
Trident Leaf-Nosed Bats in Bat Cave. Photo: L.
Chandelier Room, Surprise Cave. Photo: L. Bjurstrom
Surveying Surprise Cave. Photo: Abdulrahman.
Susy Pint in Dahl Sultan. Photo: J. Pint
Crystal formation in Surprise Cave. Photo: L.
A horizontal waterline can be seen on these stalactites.
Photo: L. Bjurstrom

Mohammed Al-Kaff relaxes after a hard days' caving. Photo:
J. Pint